It's that time of year again. Therefore, you probably wonder if I have any words of wisdom for people on the spectrum (And in fact, anyone) this Valentine's Day. My messages for the day are:
You are worthy of being loved. No matter how much people may misunderstand you.
You should use Valentine's Day to recognize people who have played positive parts in your life.
Be thankful for people you have strong enough bonds with that even the worst disagreements have barely left a crack in the bond.
If you're not in a relationship, don't use Valentine's Day to dwell on being single. If you're in a relationship, focus on its best qualities.
If you don't like Valentine's Day, remember it is only one day a year. Focus on positive things that may have little to do with the holiday.
Some people have the "Every day should be Valentine's Day because we love each other" mindset, and that is totally okay. In this case, treat it like a normal good day.
A good priority in life is to do something you love and learn lots from it.
Ask yourself if you like a person or something because they are perfect or because they're not perfect. It's accepting people for their flaws that makes love true.
Love is not only looking at each other, but looking in a similar direction.
A rhyme: Caring and sharing

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